Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can't Give to Charity Because of My Hair Color!

I am on permanent disability, which means I have NO money to spare.  (Actually, I don't always have enough for food, medical and heat/electricity in the same month.)

I still feel the need to give back and contribute to causes I believe in.  I just have to find different ways to do it now.

My best friend of over 23 years recently had a lumpectomy for breast cancer.  She is apparently OK now, but still going thru follow-ups for the foreseeable future.

I remembered hearing about a way to donate your hair to make wigs for people who have lost theirs due to chemo.  My hair is 27" long.  I called her to ask if she knew the name of the charity.  She told me to go to 

I checked it out and found that they specialize in wigs for children.  They won't take mine because it's grey.  (I started turning grey when I was 22.)  This made perfect sense to me.  No kid wants grey hair.

So, I searched for another organization and found 

They make wigs for adults.  I read thru all the requirements only to find they won't take my hair either because it is more than 5% grey.  Apparently, they mix a bunch of donations together to get enough of the right color to make a whole wig and they say all grey hairs are different.  They don't take dye the same and fade quicker.

This is all well and good, but I think if I was bald, I'd rather have grey hair than none at all.

What do you all think?  If your choice was between bald or grey, which would you pick?  I really am interested.  Maybe, if there are enough people who would accept grey, we can get them to change the rules.  Surely, I am not the only person in this position.

It truly upsets me that I can't do this.

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